Wednesday, 8 January 2014

What are the latest technologies in gummy smile treatment?

What are the latest technologies in gummy smile treatment?

Laser dentistry gummy smile in Lebanon ; the future is now.

However gummy smile problems are mainly aesthetic, the psychological impact on patients is highly important, nowadays, the problems of gummy smile are reduced by the laser dentistry technologies especially the Erbium laser.

Dr.Habib Zarifeh head of Clemenceau dental clinic affiliated with Johns Hopkins International in Beirut Lebanon is the pioneer in providing patients with gummy smile problems the solution with flapless, painless, 100% satisfaction by using the latest technologies in laser dentistry.

During Gummy smile laser surgery

After Gummy smile Laser surgery 
One week after gummy smile surgery

The procedure for main gummy smile reduction is done in one session, under local anesthesia, without surgery, flap or pain or sutures.

For more info call us now at: +96170567444 (WhatsApp...)
or visit us on the number one gummy smile clinic in Lebanon.
like us on facebook: Gummy smile dentist Lebanon

1 comment:

  1. I have a gummy smile. At first, I couldn't smile freely because most of my friend think that my smile is ugly and gross. Some people also say whoever has a gummy smile as a horse-face.How long does gummy smile Botox take to work?
